How will the Jersey City Tax Revaluation Impact Local Homeowners?

Jersey City was recently hit with a tax revaluation from Governor Chris Christie. What does this mean for you? A simple google search yields several articles with conflicting opinions and no clear answers. The purpose of this article is to illustrate exactly what will happen from a homeowner's standpoint after an appraisal has been conducted on your property as part of the City of Jersey City's official Tax Revaluation.

Multifamily Property Owners all over Jersey City have been selling their properties for Absurd Prices through Lease Options

Selling a multifamily property is not easy, we totally understand how frustrating it is to list a property on the market only to deal with people who can't close. But the tide is changing. Read on to discover how, like the title says, property owners across Jersey City have been using clever ways of structuring deals to maximize their property value.