
initial phone call

The first step in the process is to simply get in touch with us so we can learn more about your property, current situation and future financial goals, as well as obtain all necessary information such as rent roll and expenses. We will discuss how to structure the transaction to best meet your needs. If we can help you - great! If not, we are more than happy to refer you to the right qualified professional even if it doesn't specifically help our business. 


in-person consultation & property walkthrough

The next step is to schedule a tour of your property. During this process, we will review the details of your property in depth and further refine our deal structure in order to best align your long term goals with the sale of your property.  Whether you are looking for an immediate cash offer, or steady monthly payments, we want this sale to be a win-win for both parties and during this phase we will find a way to make it so.


Offer and acceptance

Once we’ve assessed comparable properties, determined costs of repair, and had a thorough discussion on what your optimal outcome is, we will make you a no-obligation offer on your property. You will then determine whether or not you feel our offer is reasonable.  Since we are looking to structure the ideal transaction for both parties, please do not hesitate to come back to us with a counteroffer, as we are well aware that every situation is different.  


final closing

Closing will be conducted by a reputable title company and attorney and we will supervise the process to ensure that all respective escrow accounts, lawyer representations, and transfer of title are completed in a safe and timely manner.



Fill in the below form for a free no obligation consultation on how we can help you achieve your real estate goals